I think we can agree, whether or not we like him, whether or not we accept what he says, that former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich is an intelligent man. His acumen, like that of billionaire Warren Buffet, far exceeds that of those darling politibimbos Palin and Bachmann.
How, then, can someone like Gingrich (or, as I call him, “Givingtotherich”) say with a straight face that the legalization of gay marriage is responsible for the current worldwide economic meltdown?
I am sure that he is aware this is not really the case, that in effect he is lying.
I do not think he is crazy.
Nor do I think that he says these things just to please his audience; that, while it may happen, is insufficient to justify the continual repetition of obvious untruths.
In analyzing the cause behind Gingrich’s perorations, one must remember that all of these people – Gingrich and the rest of the “religious right” (neither religious nor right) – are a complex mess of evangelistic believers, america-firsters, gun nuts, arian skinheads, Republican pundits, and jus’ plain folks.
How is it, then, that such a widely disparate, extremely heterogeneous conglomeration of subcultural groups are all saying exactly the same crazy things – that Muslims are out to kill us in our sleep, gay marriage is responsible for these economic woes, that the super-wealthy and their companies should not be taxed (with the unspoken corollary that, since somebody has to pay the taxes that fuel government, it’s going to be the poor and middle classes), that guns should not be regulated (despite the shocking rise in gun violence), that health care should be privatized (despite the clear example from every other “developed” country in the world), that the United States has every right to influence politics in other sovereign countries and invade them to control their oil (but that no other country had better mess with us!), that environmental regulations are bad for us, that companies like Halliburton and Monsanto are godsends, and so on?
It is simply too much of a strain on my credulity to believe that people coming from such different subcultural communities – could just happen to be so completely in accord on so many obviously stupid falsehoods on so many topics.
The only tenable conclusion I can accept is that there is a very small group of people, unknown to us, the world at large, who have extremely carefully scripted exactly how power over the masses in the United States, and hence/thereafter the world, will be secured. This small group is considerably wealthy; it controls the major multinational companies.
I fully realize that I sound like an extremely paranoid conspiracy theorist in saying this, but I believe that this is the only conclusion that fits the glaring fact that all of these pundits, no matter which group they spring out of, are saying exactly the same things. This just couldn’t happen unless they were being told to do so by some entity powerful enough to coĆ«rce them into staying on point with everyone else.
Palin and Bachmann don’t have sufficient brainpower to tie their shoes without help, so they have to be getting careful training and grooming. Palin, however, has so often made evident what a dumb bunny she is that she’s now being set aside, and Bachmann being promoted by these powers in her place. Bachmann has risen from complete ignominy into a front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, and I submit that that wouldn’t be possible on her own, unless she were getting significant help from very powerful people.
Neither Palin nor Bachmann has at her disposal enough brain matter to say to herself, “This blather they want me to say is complete nonsense,” and perhaps question whether she should say it at all. I have no doubt that Palin and Bachmann, in their own way, are truly sincere women who genuinely believe this tripe; just that they are too colossally stupid to review the glaring logical and factual evidence against it. Bachmann doesn't even seem to realize that her obviously repressed-gay husband is doing nobody a service with his clinic at which other gays can be trained to repress their nature as homosexuals.
On the other hand, how can an individual of Gingrich’s clear mental ability say, repeatedly, the obvious hokum he spouts? How can he justify to himself the glaringly, patently false allegation that gays are responsible for the economic woes we are in? Clearly, he cannot – unless there is a force being exerted upon him from above – or if he agrees with these mongers that an ultra-conservative takeover is required and that their plan is the most likely to succeed. And that “above”, again I posit, is this cabal of exceedingly wealthy potentates.
This group may or may not include the Koch Heads, but I'm starting to think they are shills set up by the group as well. the evidence. They have dutifully contributed large chunks of their financial resources to politicos and groups dedicated to exactly the same crazy views that Gingrich, Perry, Bachmann, Romney, and all of them spout as if it were Biblical truth. Yet even the Koch Heads have had the temerity to question publicly the economy-crippling government subsidies of the ethanol industry.
Still, overall, the Koch Heads remain firmly in step with the rest of the puppets of this secret cabal of powermongers. They have not yet, quite, stepped over the line as has Warren Buffett.
The latter has stated, powerfully and intelligently, that he and his fellow extremely wealthy individuals, should be glad to be taxed, glad to do their part to support the good work that government does. Warren Buffet has now broken ranks with the dutiful minions of these ultra-wealthy powermongers. He has refused to recite the script handed to him; he has dared to utter the TRUTH, that the super-rich should be taxed appropriately.
For that, Buffett is being harshly castigated and mocked by conservative commentators such as Gingrich – and on conservative pages on Facebook, which must please no end their genial host Mr. Zuckermann, who has been to Washington complaining that there’s “too much free speech”, and who is clearly censoring Facebook pages of a liberal agenda.
In other words, I think the cabal of mongers met in secret emergency session after Buffett’s outburst, and it has been decided to have their minions, Givingtotherich, etc., start repeating over and over that Buffet has gone soft in the head, senile, kooky, and so on. That way, should Buffett (as I anticipate) continue to dare to speak the truth, he will be dismissed by the masses, the cattle in the stall being milked by the mongers, as just another ludicrous, kooky crackpot.
This is the methodology adopted already with other eloquent, intelligent spokespeople coming from the other side, the liberals. Michael Moore, Al Gore, Bernie Sanders, Barney Frank, Rachel Maddow, Amy Goodman, and others are eloquent and intelligent, and persuasive if one listens to them with an open mind. But the script has clearly been handed out to brand them as kooky crackpots, and to indulge in ad hominem attacks when possible – notwithstanding the inapplicability of the attacks to the subjects at hand – Frank is gay, so anything he says must be wrong, for instance. Buffett now is being treated to the same methodology.
I don’t think for a second that the cabal of mongers promoting the religious underpinnings of this script believe these underpinnings. I think rather that, when it was decided to proceed with this plan for taking over control of the world, they looked around and saw that there was a large if unorganized group of conservative Christian belief, specifically dominionism and millenarianism (in brief general terms, the belief that the end of the world-as-we-know-it is coming soon, that there will be a Final War engulfing the entire planet, that Jesus is returning, that the [heterosexual conservative literalist] Christians will be saved and all others will be burning in hell). Seeing this amorphous group, they decided it had the most potential as a tool, so the group was carefully shaped by grooming spokespeople here and there – the very spokespeople I am writing about.
But I do think that the mongers support the sociopolitical goals that are drawn from this religious fervor – privatization of prisons, privatization of health care, privatization of the military, genetic engineering of crops so seeds have to be bought, and so on. And I do think that the conservative politicos who have been elected to office and will be elected to office represent another goal of these mongers: a complete, absolute takeover of the United States, and therefore of the world. And I do think that these mongers have decided there will be a “Final War” - not a religious battle of good versus evil, though they don’t mind if their minions think like that, but simply their war to take over control of this entire planet.
This constitutes a revolution, folks – a revolution not done by messy military means like the first American Revolution or the French Revolution, or even the revolutions going on now in the Middle East, but a revolution won by carefully taking control of every social institution: the schools (so they train children with work-oriented coursework rather than dangerous stuff like literature and history to be slaves to the economic system), the courts (so any attempt to challenge this takeover will be stopped), the news media (so the masses will be mesmerized into believing this takeover is a good thing), and of course legislatures on every level up to the federal Congress. And a takeover of other countries; by manipulating their elections, by pressuring them economically, by bringing in American ingenuity such as manipulative polling, other countries will dutifully elect U.S. puppets like Sarkozy and Berlusconi.
All of this, needless to say, is exactly in accordance with the recipe for revolution described (in Mein Kampf) and followed by Adolf Hitler. Repeat the big lies, again and again and again, stay on script, and in time the people will believe them. This recipe worked for Hitler. He only failed because he overreached too quickly for world domination. They have learned from his example and from his subsequent mistakes. They are well-positioned to succeed.
The only hope is that brave people like Moore, Gore, Sanders, Maddow, and perhaps now Buffett as well, will do exactly the same thing – stay on script, and again and again and again speak the truth. The only hope is that you and I continue to do the same with our friends, and on internet social networks like Facebook (as long as Mr. Zuckermann doesn’t shut us down too). We may not be likely to save the world from this takeover by the cabal of mongers, but we must not let this serve as an excuse for giving up. We have no choice but to try as hard as we can to save the world - not from idiots like Bachmann and Palen, not from glib talkers like Limbaugh and Gingrich, but from the intelligent and very well-heeled monsters who control them.
“The meek shall inherit the earth.” What a beautiful prophecy.
In these difficult times it is easy for us to lose hope. It is easy for us to believe that the strong, the bully, the big man who whips us along at our work, the bought-and-paid-for politician, the radio loudmouth, the megabillionaire who owns everything we see and touch and hear about. It is easy for us to lose hope, and to give up, and let Evil have its way. It is easy for us to think that perhaps, if we refuse to engage with Evil, we might not get hurt, we might remain relatively unscathed as Evil instead tramples those who do stand up to it under its marching feet.
But we must not lose hope. If we lose hope, Evil wins. If we lose hope, we become, at least tacitly, part of Evil's army. It may be irrational, it may be futile, but we must never lose hope.
Yes, the future - at least as I see it - looks pretty bleak, pretty lacking in goodness and light.
But I cannot bring myself to give up. I can and will continue to hope, to pray, and to do my best to bring a tiny speck of good, of light, into this world. My efforts may not be enough. Yet perhaps, as I hope and pray, other good souls will join me in this effort - other good souls that have not yet enslaved themselves to the Other One, or who have not yet given up and cowered away in spiritual suicide. Perhaps other good souls also will do their best to bring a tiny speck of good, of light, into this world.
If each of us does that, then maybe, maybe yet, the wisdom and the truth stated by Jesus, that the meek shall inherit the earth, will yet be our future.
I beg you, all of you who have read this and pondered our present and our future: no matter how bleak this age may seem to you - no matter how futile it may seem to you to try to counter, weak as we are, thse monsters that control the press, the schools, the legislatures, the mercantile and military, and the courts - no matter how irrational it may seem to believe in the good and the light, and to urge others to feel the same way, that is our only hope. The more YOU succeed in persuading others to do the same, the more our army of real human beings, armed with nothing more potent than love and light, can and will still inherit this earth.
I believe in you. I believe in hope. I believe in the future. I believe in love. DO NOT GIVE UP!
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